Create a Liquidity Pair on PancakeSwap & Deposit on Cakepie
PancakeSwap liquidity providers can automatically enhance their rewards via Cakepie without the need to lock any CAKE as veCAKE.
Last updated
PancakeSwap liquidity providers can automatically enhance their rewards via Cakepie without the need to lock any CAKE as veCAKE.
Last updated
Create a liquidity pair on: V3, Stableswap or V2.
Deposit USDC and USDT.
Select the Liquidity Range (Example Full Range)
Enable USDC
Enable USDT
After completing the steps above, users can proceed to stake their liquidity on Cakepie.
After providing liquidity for a specific pair on PancakeSwap, users can deposit their liquidity on Cakepie's corresponding pools to maximize their CAKE rewards.
Users must select the amount of total funds that want to remove